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Diesel.rs Updates

Unlock the full potential of Rust with Diesel, the robust ORM library, through our comprehensive guides and updates. Stay informed on the latest Diesel advancements and best practices to streamline your database interactions.

Illustration of Introducing Diesel 2.0.0: Major Updates and New Features

Diesel 2.0.0 brings together the work of over 130 contributors, featuring more than 1700 commits over a 3-year period. This major release includes significant new features, structural rewrites, and breaking changes, aiming to enhance the overall Diesel experience.

Illustration of Key Features of Diesel 2.1.0 Release

Explore the latest Diesel 2.1.0 release highlighting migration generation, MultiConnection support, MySQL backend upsert queries, and improved error messages. Learn how contributors and sponsors have fueled this update.

Illustration of Introducing Diesel 2.2.0: Major Updates and Enhancements

Discover the latest release of Diesel 2.2.0, featuring contributions from 42 individuals and over 560 commits in the past year. This version introduces a procedural macro attribute for automatic return type inference, instrumentation support for connection logging, PostgreSQL COPY FROM and COPY TO syntax support, bundling of native drives, static binaries for diesel-cli, and improved error messages customization.