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TypeScript Updates

Unlock the power of TypeScript with the latest updates, tutorials, and expert advice. Enhance your development workflow and build robust applications by exploring the newest trends and techniques in TypeScript.

Illustration of Understanding TypeScript Type System with keyof Equations

Explore how TypeScript types can be thought of as sets of values through the equations keyof (A&B) = (keyof A) | (keyof B) and keyof (A|B) = (keyof A) & (keyof B). Delve into concrete examples using interfaces to gain insights into intersection and union types.

Illustration of Introducing TypeScript 5.6 RC: What's New and Improved

Discover the latest features in TypeScript 5.6 Release Candidate, including changes in language service behavior, new editor functionalities, stricter checks for truthy and nullish expressions, extended support for Iterator methods, support for arbitrary module identifiers, and new compiler options like --noUncheckedSideEffectImports and --noCheck.

Illustration of Introducing TypeScript 5.6 Beta: Enhancements and Features

Discover the new features and improvements in TypeScript 5.6 Beta, including disallowed nullish and truthy checks, iterator helper methods, and strict built-in iterator checks. Learn how to use the latest TypeScript updates to enhance your projects.

Illustration of TypeScript vs. Zig: Lessons and Insights Exchange

Discover what Zig can learn from TypeScript and vice versa, exploring topics like Detectable Illegal Behavior and comptime. Understand the unique features of Zig and potential improvements for TypeScript.

Illustration of TypeScript 5.5: Noteworthy Updates for Developers

Exploring the significant changes and improvements in TypeScript 5.5 released on June 20th, 2024, covering new features like Inferred Type Predicates, enhanced precision in type checking, support for new ECMAScript standards, and performance optimizations.

Illustration of Introducing TypeScript 5.5: What's New and How It Enhances Development

Discover the newest features in TypeScript 5.5, including enhancements for type checking, performance optimizations, and support for ECMAScript's new Set methods. Learn how TypeScript can now infer type predicates more effectively, improve control flow analysis, and introduce the JSDoc @import tag for better integration in JavaScript files.

Illustration of Using Distinct Types for Special Values in TypeScript

Learn why it's crucial to use distinct types for special values like '', 0, or -1 in TypeScript to improve code correctness and how to avoid common pitfalls by enforcing proper handling of special cases.

Illustration of Introducing TypeScript 5.5 Release Candidate

Discover the latest features in TypeScript 5.5, including support for ECMAScript's new Set methods, improved regular expression checking, performance optimizations, and inferred type predicates.

Illustration of New Release: Effective TypeScript, Second Edition

Discover the updated and expanded second edition of Effective TypeScript with new chapters and 24 new items.

Illustration of Introducing TypeScript 5.5 Beta and its New Features

Learn about the latest TypeScript 5.5 Beta release with enhanced features including Inferred Type Predicates, Control Flow Narrowing, Type Imports in JSDoc, Regular Expression Syntax Checking, and Isolated Declarations.

Illustration of Inside the Making of Type Predicate Inference for TypeScript Feature

Follow a TypeScript contributor's journey in implementing a new feature, type predicate inference, for TypeScript 5.5. Learn about the challenges faced, insights gained, and the process of getting the pull request merged.

Illustration of Understanding TypeScript's Type Inference with Flow Nodes

Explore how TypeScript's type inference works with Flow Nodes, diving into the reverse control flow graph and the intricacies of narrowing types in the TypeScript compiler.

Illustration of Introducing TypeScript 5.4: What's New and How It Affects Your Projects

Discover the latest features in TypeScript 5.4 and how it enhances type safety and tooling for your JavaScript projects. Learn about preserving type narrowing in closures, the NoInfer utility type, Object.groupBy and Map.groupBy methods, support for require() calls in bundler and module settings, checked import attributes, upcoming deprecations, and more.

Illustration of Unveiling the Power of Type Predicates in TypeScript

Discover how type predicates can enhance TypeScript's control flow analysis and when to utilize them effectively, especially when handling false returns.

Illustration of Exploring TypeScript 5.4 RC Features and Enhancements

Learn about the Release Candidate of TypeScript 5.4, featuring improvements in type narrowing, the NoInfer utility type, Object.groupBy and Map.groupBy, support for require() calls, checked import attributes, and upcoming changes and deprecations.

Illustration of Insights from Effective TypeScript Talk at Etsy in Dec 2020

Explore key takeaways from a lively Effective TypeScript talk held at Etsy in December 2020, covering valuable topics such as TypeScript best practices and efficient type design.

Illustration of Introducing TypeScript 5.4 Beta with Exciting New Features

Discover the latest updates in TypeScript 5.4 Beta including preserved narrowing in closures, the NoInfer utility type, Object.groupBy and Map.groupBy, support for require() calls with bundler and preserve settings, and upcoming deprecations and breaking changes.

Illustration of Avoid Traditional Getter and Setter Methods in JavaScript and TypeScript

Learn why using getter and setter methods in JavaScript and TypeScript might be unnecessary. Discover how modern versions of JavaScript and TypeScript eliminate the need for traditional getters and setters, allowing for a more concise and flexible code structure.

Illustration of Unpacking Nested Types in TypeScript with 'infer'

Discover how TypeScript's 'infer' keyword can efficiently extract types from complex nested structures, offering a more direct and concise way to handle deeply nested types than traditional methods.

Illustration of Introducing TypeScript 5.3 - Enhancing Type-Checking in JavaScript

Learn about the latest features and improvements in TypeScript 5.3, focusing on enhancing type-checking capabilities in JavaScript and providing better tooling support for developers.