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Rust Updates

Discover the power and performance of Rust with the latest news, tips, and tutorials tailored for developers. Stay ahead of the curve by exploring cutting-edge Rust developments and how they can transform your projects.

Illustration of Insights from September 2024 Rust Leadership Council Update

Discover the latest developments and initiatives from the Rust Leadership Council, including new members, upcoming events, and important decisions. Dive in to see how you can engage with Rust!

Illustration of Electing New Project Directors for Rust Foundation Board

Get involved in the Rust Project by participating in the election process to appoint new Project Directors for the Rust Foundation Board of Directors.

Illustration of Rust Blog: wasm32-wasip2 Target Upgraded to Tier 2 Support

Discover the recent upgrade of the wasm32-wasip2 target to tier 2 support in Rust, enabling direct compilation to WASI 0.2 interfaces.

Illustration of Rust 1.81.0 Release: What's New and How to Upgrade

Discover the latest features in Rust 1.81.0 and learn how to upgrade to this empowering programming language version.

Illustration of Simplified `impl Trait` Changes Coming in Rust 2024

Upcoming changes in Rust 2024 simplify how `impl Trait` works in return positions, aiming to better meet common user needs with added flexibility and explicit syntax control.

Illustration of Addressing a Security Vulnerability in Rust Standard Library

Learn about a recently disclosed security vulnerability in the Rust standard library and how to mitigate it.

Illustration of Exciting News: Rust All Hands Event 2025 in Utrecht

Discover how to engage with Rust development and participate in the upcoming Rust All Hands event in 2025!

Illustration of Insights from 2024 Rust Leadership Council Survey

Understanding feedback and suggestions from the first-year survey conducted by the Rust Leadership Council for improving project governance.

Illustration of 2024 Embedded Community Micro Survey Launched by Rust's Embedded Working Group | Inside Rust Blog

Explore how you can contribute and engage with Rust development through the recently initiated 2024 Embedded Community Micro Survey.

Illustration of Selecting Representatives for Rust Leadership Council

Learn how to participate in selecting representatives for the Rust Leadership Council and get involved in Rust development.

Illustration of Exploring the Latest Developments in Cargo for Rust 1.81

Discover the recent happenings in Cargo development for Rust 1.81 and how you can contribute to the ecosystem.

Illustration of Rust Project Goals for 2024 Unveiled

Discover the Rust project's ambitious goals for 2024, including enhancing Async Rust experience and resolving Linux kernel building challenges.

Illustration of Testing Needed for Async Closures in Rust: RFC 3668 Update

Discover how to contribute to async closures development in Rust by testing RFC 3668 features.

Illustration of Introducing Rust 1.80.1 Update with Fixes | Rust Blog

Discover the latest Rust 1.80.1 release fixing regressions in float comparisons and dead_code lint accuracy.

Illustration of Welcoming TC to the Rust Language Design Team | Inside Rust Blog

Learn about TC joining the Rust language design team and how you can engage with Rust development.

Illustration of Update on Development: New Features and Enhancements

Stay informed about the recent improvements and changes on, including new installation commands, dark mode support, RSS feeds, API token notifications, and database performance optimizations.

Illustration of Introducing Rust 1.80.0 Empowering Software Developers with New Features

Rust announces version 1.80.0, offering features like LazyCell and LazyLock for lazy initialization, checked cfg names and values, exclusive ranges in patterns, and stable APIs in const contexts.

Illustration of Enhancing the Rust Language Type System: Team Update and Roadmap

Discover the progress and future plans of the Types team in improving the Rust language type system.

Illustration of Exploring Rust Development Cycle in Cargo: Learn What's New in Rust 1.80

Discover the latest updates in Cargo development and how you can participate in Rust's development cycle.

Illustration of Introducing Rust 1.79.0 with New Features and Improvements

Discover the latest enhancements in Rust 1.79.0, enabling you to build reliable and efficient software more easily.