Master Soft Deletions in Ecto: Thinking Elixir 216 Highlights
Catch up on the latest Elixir and Phoenix news with updates on Livebook deployments, AI-centric libraries, and Elixir job listings in episode 216 of Thinking Elixir.
Published 5 months ago on
In episode 216 of Thinking Elixir, Jose Valim showcases Livebook deployments, Chris McCord integrates content moderation in Livebook, Zigler 0.13.1 is released, Honeycomb - an AI library - debuts, Apple advertises an Elixir job, and more Elixir and Phoenix updates are covered. The episode highlights a range of innovative projects in the Elixir ecosystem.
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How this relates to indie hacking and solopreneurship.
This article is crucial for staying updated on the latest advancements and projects in the Elixir and Phoenix community. It showcases new tools, projects, and opportunities within the ecosystem, offering inspiration for your own projects.
You should listen to the podcast to learn about the latest tools and projects in the Elixir community. Consider adopting similar strategies or tools for your own Elixir and Phoenix projects to stay competitive and innovative.
The main risk is the temptation to explore too many new tools and projects, which could lead to distraction from your current roadmap. Ensure you maintain focus on your primary goals and only adopt new tools that truly align with your project needs.
By staying updated on these new releases and projects, you can position yourself at the forefront of Elixir and Phoenix innovation. Implementing cutting-edge tools and techniques showcased in this episode can give your projects a competitive edge in the long run.
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